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The Order of Order - Game Design Layout


Illithids came to earth to capture powerful monsters and turn them into Illithids type creatures. 


1. A messy mushroom shaped hut sits atop a hill surrounded by colorful fungi. A hooded figure speaks in a hushed voice and asks Hag: “Did you find her?”. 
Pixies: “Y-Yes we found her”. The Pixies drop you bodies to the ground. The figure turns and says “You idiots this is not her. Find her and you shall get your wish. However if you fail again”, she grabs one of the Pixies out of the air and tosses them into a cauldron. “Now go!” She turns her large form towards you and says “Now what should I do with you”. 

2. Kyle the Dragon Goblin child wants to find a way to his family. 

3. Vetra the shadow demon wants the player to take Kyle’s soul. 

4. Kyle can see Vetra’s true form. “So Who are you and what with the creepy shadow demon following you in that weird disguise? Are you from the old world too?” “How did an angel, a devil and squid become friends? 

5. Aela the Alphoon is causing havoc in the Fey Wilds by trying to resurrect her fallen child. 

6. Sarah Sharp is searching for the players while riding on the back of her 


Oblex: A dark red glowing slime creature that eats memories until they form duplicates of their victims. 
Abilities : made of goo that can move through small spaces.  Steals memories of victims. 
Weakness: Fire
 Attacks : Charm, Dimension Door, hold Monster, fear, burning slime- 3 harm.

Illithids: Humanoid creature with elongated heads, tentacles of purple and long webbed hands with sharp nails. 
Abilities: Telepathy, shape changing, flight, and mind control
Ceremorphosis: A tadpole climbs into a victims head and takes over the brain
Causes 4 harm 
Nautiloids - Flying vessels that can travel across planes.  

Aela the Alhoon - a squid like face with withered cracked skin plane white eyes and wearing a long dark robe tattered at the ends. 
Motivation : To kill Kain for killing her and reminding her of the past.
Abilities : 
Telepathy - can insert ideas into any creature's head. 
Mind Control - can control the actions of others. 
Levitate - can fly above the heaff
Tome of the Undying: A book with the knowledge to transform mortals into demons, liches. Side effects include the player losing their humanity. 


The New World: Modern day earth filled with creatures disguised as humans. 

The Old World: A medieval universe full of monsters, creatures, and humans taken over by Illithids. 

The Fey Wilde: A magical reflection of the real world that only runs on dream logic. 

The Fey Dark

The Obsidian City - A city carved from obsidian filled with a society of Dark Elves.

Aela’s Tower- An illithid tower. 
Level 1: Horde of dark dryads guarding entrance.
Level 2: Experiments neglected by time all with missing brains. 
Level 3: Aela using the book to find her son. 

The Order of Order: Lair of Illithids who took over the “Old World” and is now moved onto the new world, Earth. 
Plan: Collect monsters, turn them into Illithid-like creatures through ceremorphosis, and farm humans for sustenance.
Sarah Sharp - One of top Illithid agents at Order of Order. Has collected most of the monsters in captivity. Wife of Henry Sharp.
Ivan Banks - Leader of Order of Order who is a mindwitness disguised as a human.
Donna the Mechanic - An illithid mechanic.
Jackie the Nurse - Works as a nurse for the Order of Order as a nurse. 

Mind Witness 
Intellect Devourers 
Blue Brainstealer Dragon

The Cult of the Concealed: An organization of refugees from the old world who want to live normal life on Earth. 
Kyle Blossom, the Blue Dragon Goblin: Spawn of Zelda and Tinker Blossom. 
Zelda Blossom, the Blue Dragon: Captured by The Order of Order and being turned into a Brain Stealer Dragon.
Tinker Blossom, the Goblin
The Rapture - An organization of Devils that work to release the nine hells across the planes. 
Vetra: A shadow demon that wants to use Marcella to destroy the world. Appearance: True form: A woman made of shadows with piercing dark red eyes, horns, sharp thin teeth, and claws Disguise: A stuffed bear wearing a bunny costume. 
The Unseelie Court
Aborra the Arch fey of The Fey Dark - A dark fairy who rules over the Fey Dark. Has Giant fairy wings, black ballet slippers, and long dark hair and a long dress dripping down her long spider like legs. 
Relationships: Hates but respects Arch fey Titania. 

The Seelie Court:
Old Agatha Moonshade, The Night Hag: A Night hag with long horns, red skin, and bright red eyes. Disguised as Titania the Arch fey with long red hair tied up in branches whom she killed and left in her basement. 
Heart Stone 
Larva of the evil - Currency in hell 
Soul bag
Prisoners they kill and send to the ethereal realm. 
The Fey Wilde 

Motivation : To make deals that ruin the lives of mortals. 

see’s visions of the future. 
affects dreams by creating nightmares. 

Claws - 3 harm ignore armor
Nightmare touch - 5 harm and causes creatures to go unconscious temporarily and have terrible nightmares until hag dies or curse is removed. .
Dream eater - causes 10 harm and regains all health taken.

Step 1: Steals evil souls. Corrupts good people and steals their souls once they are evil. 
Step 2: Find her “Tome of the Undying” to summon an evil deity to conquer the world. 

The Order of Order - Game Design Layout

The Order of Order - Game Design Layout
