In love for 6 years, this lovely couple decided to walk down the aisle and start a family. Initials from their names, Della and Owen, form the last word of the magical response to a marriage proposal: “Yes, I do.” and therefore I decided to go along with this beautiful coincidence, and designed a logo for their invitation, the logo is also used at the wedding, printed on favours for guests. The design is simple and neat, but all the beauty is hidden in the details: the thickness and fine quality of fine paper series Les Naturals is perfect for the hot-stamped matte black foil, giving a subtle but classic look; with two types of hand-made laces and hand-tied hemp rope wrapped at the bottom, the invitation is so exquisite to hold in hand.

這對新人相戀了六年,決定走入人生下一個階段,共建一個家;新人Della和Owen的英文名字開頭恰好組成了 “Do” 也就是每位新郎求婚時最希望聽到的回答:「我願意 (Yes, I do.)」因此採用這美麗的巧合做為設計的主軸,除了為喜帖設計 logo 外,更將 logo 應用於婚禮小物上,讓整體更完整。喜帖視覺雖然看似簡潔,細節卻不簡單:最高磅數的法國香榭卡紮實的手感和紙質光是墊在手中就能感受到份量,並完整襯托出霧面黑箔的典雅質地;精心挑選的兩款手工蕾絲與麻繩一起手纏至底端,細緻的蕾絲讓喜帖增添了一份優雅,與香榭卡相輔相成一同成就這份高質感的喜帖。
Yes, I Do

Yes, I Do

In love for 6 years, this lovely couple decided to walk down the aisle and start a family. Initials from their names, Della and Owen, form the la Read More


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