Juan Manuel Franco's profile

Millenium Fighters Multiplayer Game

Millenium Fighters is a Crossover Fighting Game inspired in Super Smash Bros. It was the result of a 48hr Game Jam in which my team (4) and me participated. ​​​​​
A local fighting multiplayer game to have fun with your friends and kick their asses!

Gameplay video of the product made in the 48 hour Gamejam.
I was in charge of:
- Game development in Unity
- Level design
Game Design
- UX/UI Design
- Background and props art
Game Production
The main concept of the Game Jam was "Millenials", so we decided to create a game that shows controversial stereotypes of this generation (Otaku, Hipster, Gamer, Influencer) in which they had to fight against each other to get a job.
Role:  Game designer,Game developer, Programming, Game Producer, Level designer and UX/UI designer
For:  48hr GameJam 2018 Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería.
Type:  Crossover Fighting - Local Multiplayer
Software: Unity 3D, Illustrator, Photoshop, Reason, After effects
URL:  https://klycxo.itch.io/millenium-fighters
Platforms:  PC
Release date:  November 2018
Millenium Fighters Multiplayer Game