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Editorial // Visualising a Confusing Book

Re-design Italo Calvino’spost-modern novel “If On a Winter’s Night a Traveler” to represent the storyline. 

This was a group project with 11 people which I managed the concept for as team leader. The narrative of the book is split in two, one being a constant story-line, abrupted by 10 shorter stories which are segments from other books. We used various stock and typefaces to illustrate the two parallels, as well as the colours red and blue. The binding method also enhances this concept through external coptic-stitch binding - to make the fact that the stories were mixed up in the publishing house more plausible. Lastly we outlined character specifications throughout the book, to make it easier for the reader to understand the transmission between ‘reality’ and ‘story-segment’. 

Editorial // Visualising a Confusing Book

Editorial // Visualising a Confusing Book
