Moira Nolan's profile

Advanced Creative Strategy Final Portfolio

This course, also known as COM 320, covered the formulation and techniques of creative strategy. Along with copywriting for print and electronic media. 
Description of Career Interests
Helping create connections between people is in the fabric of who I am. As a photographer, a volunteer leader, a student and a maturing professional, I recognize that at the core of any good work is connection. I am energetic, eager, willing to learn, and open to contributing to any aspects of a company. I really enjoy working with people and have developed excellent communication skills in many of my professional and volunteer roles. As a photographer for Bella Baby Photography during the past year and a half I had to not only be excellent at my artistic craft, but also market myself as a trustworthy person families could feel comfortable with and trust with their newborn child. Creating that trust through relationship building honed my skills of perspective taking, personalized marketing and remaining flexible and responsive amidst a busy hospital schedule. My work as Rotaract President and Entertainment Chair for the Relay for Life provided opportunities for me to address the needs of a varied group of individuals, providing meaningful opportunities for me to apply my skills as a person attentive to details and effective in leading mission-focused efforts, all while creating an atmosphere of fun. I’ve built my career in a variety of roles and I’m not only used to wearing many hats, I sincerely enjoy it; I thrive in an environment where no two work days are exactly the same. After college I would love to begin working at an advertising agency in Chicago with at least an entry level job. Down the road I would love to start my own freelance photography business as a side job and hopefully become part of the creative design team at an advertising agency.
Bremer Jewelry Campaign 
For this online advertisement I chose to create a 300px by 250px size advertisement. I made the ad somewhat glitzy so that it would catch the men’s attention but not so much that it would turn them away from the thought of clicking on the ad. When the viewer clicks on the ad it will take them to a page on Bremer’s website that talks about the benefits of purchasing from a family owned company, specifically Bremer, and about the quality of the rings they offer or can make versus a ring purchased on Etsy or from a big box store. This advertisement will pop up if a man has been doing searches for engagement rings or even just searching for information about them such as “how much should I spend on an engagement ring”. 
Graphic for Facebook advertisement
This Facebook advertisement for Bremer Jewelry would show up on a man's news feed if they had recently been searching for information about engagement rings. My goal for this advertisement is to put Bremer’s information in a convenient place for male Facebook users to get to. The call to action button is a book now button so that it is easy for the viewer to schedule an appointment at Bremer. While at Bremer they will have a professional walk them through the different steps of purchasing an engagement ring all while being in a family oriented environment. I chose a photo with bold colors for the background of the ad so that it catches the viewer’s eye when they see it. My point I want to get across for Bremer Jewelry is that they can find a beautiful, high quality ring that the man’s significant other will love within his budget. My one thing is “Made for Two”.
This print advertisement would be placed in hunting and fishing magazines since that is a hobby for a lot of the men in my target age range of 23-30 and location of Central Illinois. Some examples of magazines this ad could be placed in are Outdoor Life and Field & Stream. I wanted to keep this advertisement very clean and simple since most men who would be reading these magazines are not into the glitzy side of engagement rings, but they do know they want to get engaged. I picture this advertisement taking up about a quarter of a page so that it is big enough to easily be read but not overwhelming. I also included the address of the store in the bottom right corner of the ad so that the men viewing it don’t even need to go to the internet to find where to go, it is just right there for them.
Seton Montessori Summer Camp Advertisements
This print advertisement for Seton Montessori summer camp would be placed in magazines such as Chicago Parent, Chicago Suburban Family or Chicago Kids. Chicago Kids and Chicago Parent both have summer camp guides in their early spring edition of the magazine that showcase a variety of different camps in Chicago or the Chicago Suburbs. I chose a photo that shows a child interacting with the environment around them because that is a big part of what Seton wants children to experience while at camp. These types of magazines are read by the people in my target audience so they are perfect places for this advertisement to be. This ad would take up half of a magazine page so that it is easily readable and isn’t looked past by readers.
Graphic for Facebook advertisement
This Facebook advertisement for Seton Montessori summer camp would show up on people’s news feed if they had recently been searching for information about summer camps in the Chicago suburbs. The call to action button is a learn more button so that it is easy for the viewer to go to Seton Montessori’s website and learn more about the program and what it has to offer. I chose a photo that shows a child interacting with the environment around them because that is a big part of what Seton wants children to experience while at camp. The bold colors for the background of the ad will make it catch the viewer’s eye when they are scrolling through their news feed.
Maui Jim Sunglasses Ad Execution
Assignment Description: Choose a product and create THREE print advertisements in one campaign including sharp copy and design. I would like to see the design for the ads but I will not grade the design element. Develop a creative brief for your campaign. In the target audience section, please add what publications you would like these print ads placed in. 
I did not take the photos that are used in these mock advertisements.
Advanced Creative Strategy Final Portfolio

Advanced Creative Strategy Final Portfolio
