A new Quest
A custom list
With it we ran to place our orchids by the sun

The poem I chose is made up of key words that spark thoughts of spring. During this season, everything is reborn; everything is new again. There are adventures to embark on, places to explore, and weirdness to experience; but what should I do first? The list goes on and on. There is so much potential, so much energy, so much life that the only answer is to grab a friend and run out into the world to witness it all; to give my body and soul to the sun.
The collage is related in many ways to the poem. The two figures at the bottom are imagining the possibilities that await them. Their faces glow, their backs are dark; this is a metaphor for getting through the colorless winter and facing nothing but sunlight. I placed a fiery circle to represent the sun, which is the goal of the two figures. The triangles in the intricate symbol are pointing in different directions, further giving off the feeling of energy and possibilities.  The deer was personal; my friend and I saw a deer in a forest one time during the summer (yes, a cliché moment), and it has stayed with me ever since.
The orange silhouettes soaring through the sky are embodying the spirit of the figures down below. I made the sure to choose words that were brown to make a connection to the earth (a.k.a. dirt), to strengthen the “life” theme I have going. I tried to make the words be the lists of the figures. I placed stripes of blue sky at an angle to add the sense of upward motion. Finally, Placed cut out a face and placed it within the sun, making sure the eyes were over the heads of the silhouettes; it’s as if the figures’ imaginations are staring back at them, which I think makes the viewer of this piece feel as if spring is looking at them.
Poem Collage

Poem Collage

Image to the text
