Barbara Huff's profile

Puppet Shows and Library Programming Photos

I hope you enjoy browsing photos and video of some of the puppet show productions I had a direct hand in. I created the scripts, directed recording sessions and edited final products, blocked the puppet shows, participated as a puppeteer and directed and coached the puppeteers. My staff and I created puppets and sets for each production.

Photos of various library programs I supervised are also added below. Hope you can glean some new ideas to use in your library.  
The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark - life sized Puppet Show for Summer Reading
Poster for the black light version of the puppet show The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark
Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark black light puppet show.  We created puppets out of foam, both sides were alike.  We used hot glue to outline the puppets and it glowed under the black lights.  We used blue netting in front of the stage to simulate water and painted the sticks we mounted the puppets on black.  We re-used the puppets from the Rainbow Fish puppet show. (see below)
Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark black light puppet show.
Video of our summer production of the Rainbow Fish.  We made good use of these puppets for our black light puppet show during the fall. (see above)
Robber 1  for the puppet show Old Bloo's Boogie Woogie Band and Blues Ensemble by Jan Hulig
Summer Reading version of the puppet show Old Bloo's Boogie Woogie Band and Blues Ensemble by Jan Hulig. Visit this link to see the production:

Santa Duck Puppet Show
Santa Duck Puppet Show
Coyote and Rabbit puppet shows.
Summer Reading Kickoff Program  - human READ sign.
Summer Reading Dance/Movement Activity
Summer Reading Movement Activity
We love movement activities and streamers and scarves and rhythm sticks and shaker eggs...and on and on and on.

Summer Reading Make a Splash - Local Fish and Game brought rods and taught fishing lessons.
Summer Reading 2011 - One World, Many Stories - Old King Cole
Tippy Toe Halloween Parade
It's Not a Box Story Time:  Booktalking to toddlers and their moms...well, mostly their moms.
We love to use our scarves.

Put Your Finger on Your Nose! fingerplay.
Read Across America story time 2012.
We hosted one of Brian Lies' bats at our library.  He hid in the most unusual places...
Brian Lies' bat rests in of of the library trees.
Author/Illustrator David Catrow came for a visit to our library and we took him out to one of the local schools.
David Catrow hams it up with two proud Summer Reading t-shirt owners.  
The Society for Creative Anachronism came to share their skills with us during our One World Many Stories summer reading program.
Fear not, Flat Stanley was unharmed.
Puppet Shows and Library Programming Photos

Puppet Shows and Library Programming Photos

Puppet Shows, Podcasts and Photos of Library Programming


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