Valerie Ng's profile

Graphic & Spacial | Fast Fashion Exhibition

Fast Fashion Exhibition

My final year project is an educational exhibition designed to raise awareness among school students about the environmental and social impacts of fast fashion. Set up in school campuses, the exhibition features a series of compelling posters that highlight issues such as water wastage, chemical pollution, and the proliferation of microplastics associated with fast fashion. 

Each poster uses powerful visuals and concise, impactful text to communicate the hidden costs of fast fashion and encourage more sustainable consumer behaviours. The exhibition is designed to be both informative and thought-provoking, providing students with a clear understanding of how their fashion choices can have far-reaching effects on the environment and society.

Designed by: Valerie Ng
Design Disciplines: Service Design, Graphic Design, Spacial Design, Exhibition Design, Education Design
Software used: Photoshop, Hypersketch, Rhinoceros

As part of the exhibition, I designed clothing tag that incorporate vivid imagery that corresponds to the grade assigned to each material, ranging from a serene, flourishing world for materials with minimal impact (Grade A) to a degraded, fiery environment for the most harmful materials (Grade E). This stark visual contrast not only enhances consumer awareness about the environmental impact of their fashion choices but also encourages more sustainable purchasing decisions. By integrating these tags into clothing, the initiative seeks to foster greater environmental responsibility and influence the fashion industry towards more sustainable practices.
The designs are thoughtfully laid out to ensure that the information is digestible and impactful. Visual icons and infographics are used to make the complex data more accessible and engaging. Here are the various previous drafts and prototypes of the clothing tags.
User testing for the exhibition

Front part animation produced by Animaskin on behalf of UN Association of Norway, under Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed).
Graphic & Spacial | Fast Fashion Exhibition


Graphic & Spacial | Fast Fashion Exhibition
