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Fingerprint Door Lock

Fingerprint Door Lock
The Fingerprint Door Lock is designed to unlock a users door from the outside by utilizing a fingerprint sensor to recognize the user's fingerprint. A light on the device face while turn remain red unless a credible fingerprint is confirmed in which case, it will turn green for five seconds before reverting to red. At the same time, a servo motor placed beside the door handle will unlock the door, waiting for five seconds as well. Both units of the device attach to either side of the door using Velcro command strips. The entire gadget is powered by a rechargeable 3.7V lipo battery and the code is stored on an Arduino Nano.​​​​​​​
The Why Behind the What
On multiple occasions, I have returned from hackberry carrying sometimes fragile projects which I would rather hold securely in my hand than having to set it on the ground to locate my room key. While brainstorming ideas, I pondered how I could open a door without needing to access a key, key card, or student ID. Then it hit me! A fingerprint is unique to every individual, virtually impossible to copy, and always at your fingertips… literally! What better option could one present? 
EasyEDA Schematic
Project in Action
Fingerprint Door Lock