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How to Add Exotic Beauty and Ambiance Moroccan Style

Moroccan Lamps - How to Add Exotic Beauty and Ambiance Moroccan Style

Moroccan Lamps: Centuries of traditions A few centuries back, the best way to brighten a home was by using a henna lamp or any other lamp for that matter. A lamp can create a magic and give your home a look that you have desired for so long yet you could never find it. Maybe these lamps are nowhere near the Aladdin's lamp but they sure have the ability to captivate you or your friends. It may not be as bright as the halogen bulbs you installed in your living room but they have a subtle and charismatic appeal that cannot be ignored.

Maybe you have halogen bulbs installed in every room and every room probably looks the same. But do you remember the time when you went out on this wilderness trail and camped under a sky full of stars. The only bright object was the lamp that lit up the fire of romance in your heart. That's the power of a marokkanische lampe. It can change the entire ambiance of your house. From being a dwelling with four wooden or concrete walls with some basic furnishing, you can change it to being a real home by adding a few Moroccan lamps. The touch and feel of earth has always been great and the Moroccan lamps create that earthy feeling, which you have longed for such a long time.

One of the most beautiful of them all is the Moroccan henna leather lamps, which will add a class and bring elegance to your living room as well as your life. Your neighbors would gorge at them, look at you with envy and ask you where you found them. The Moroccan Henna lamp is a symbol of subtleness mixed with style and any thing that is related to art, history and culture is always looked at as being a class apart. These lamps are unique decoration items and they will add some color to your otherwise normal life. You can place them anywhere be it on top of the piano or the fireplace or place them gently over the center table. They have this uncanny nature of fitting in anywhere and everywhere.

Moroccan Henna Lamps: Overview Are you ready to purchase a Moroccan henna leather lamp? Before that lets take a look at what is the specialty of the lamp and where does it come from. Firstly, let us understand what henna really is. Henna is a plant, which is used to make a dye. This dye is traditionally extracted from the dry henna leaves and used in decorative art. Henna is applied on hands and feet of mostly women as a decoration in various parts of the world. It is even used for decorating the hand of the bride in marriages in Northern India. In Morocco, henna is used for creating exotic designs for the leather lamps and lanterns. It is also known as Mehndi, in North Africa including Morocco, India, and the Middle East. It has traveled from all these countries to North America and is gaining popularity due to its subtleness, beauty and ability to be used in intricate designs.

Unique Lamps: The marokkanische lampe henna leather lamps are made by professional artisans who have been doing it for centuries and the skill gets passed on from one generation to another. This is the exact reason why these lamps are unique. The best part is that no two henna lamps will have the same design. The lamps are made from goatskin with each section being hand-tied to a frame and finally the henna is applied for creating beautiful designs on the leather. Since so much effort goes into making a single henna lamp hence it is like a piece of treasure and owning one means that you belong to the elite class of people. It will become an integral part of your interior decoration.

The Moroccan lamps are available in different shape and size and you can choose from a variety of designs, half of which are unique. You can choose a lamp according to the existing decor or even the size of your room. You can hang the lamp from the ceiling or place it on the bed side table. Wherever you choose to put it, it is definitely going to glorify the surrounding and make your home look beautiful. If you have wrought iron decorations in your home then the mix of wrought iron denoting the Victorian era mixed with the Moroccan lamps denoting the early civilizations will create an intoxicating environment.

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How to Add Exotic Beauty and Ambiance Moroccan Style

How to Add Exotic Beauty and Ambiance Moroccan Style
