'The Bronze Cast Pen Case'
This was an exploration into the industrial sand casting process.
Working with the local Ōtepoti casting company, Giltech, I crafted a bronze pen case to enhance the ritual behind drawing. The ritual behind getting a collection of tools out of its case, completing a task, and returning them to the said case was an interesting practice to explore. Creating a desirable object whilst working with this declining manufacturing process was essential.
Streamline Moderne’s visual language of smooth and emphasised horizontal lines captures the visual values of movement and progression. As an unmistakably direct reflection of the zeitgeist, 20th-century designers like Raymond Loewy applied this language to all sorts of objects, including a pencil sharpener and an iron. 
Using various form developing and prototyping techniques, the result of this project is a playful homage to the tenacious modernisation of industrial design during the early 20th century.
Bronze Pen Case


Bronze Pen Case
