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The Modern Corset For Vietnamese Market

The Modern Corset For Vietnamese Market
level 6
MA Design
University Of Leeds 
More than 400 years, corsetry, once called “stay”, is a tight piece of underwear worn on the middle part of a woman’s body to make her waist appear smaller. In the ancient society, a slender waist became a fashion empire. It is said that the reign of corsetry had created the fashion history. The uses of corsetry illustrated its benefits and support for women’s waists to achieve prevailing figures in the past term time. In the sixteenth century, corset was clearly chracterized into two types: the fashionable corset and the orthopedic corset.
However, corset was a controversial garment in the phenomenon of its history. In fact, the corsets had been blamed for causing many diseases such as cancer, curvature of the spine, deformities of the ribs, displacements of the internal organs, birth defects etc.

“The modern corset for Vietnamese” is a project, which aims to investigate the phenomenon history of the Western corset, to find out its beauty functions and its negative connotation for designing the modern corsets for Vietnamese market. This main design is significantly developed and its medical problems are completely solved. The modern corsets will be launched in to Vietnamese high fashion – a brand new market - and target Vietnamese celebrity customers.

Hence, this project aims to comprehend the origin of corsetry, to understand its benefits and problems then to produce modern corsets for Vietnamese high market.



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The Modern Corset For Vietnamese Market

The Modern Corset For Vietnamese Market

More than 400 years, corsetry, once called “stay”, is a tight piece of underwear worn on the middle part of a woman’s body to make her waist appe Read More


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