P56 Brand Design

P56 (Page 56). If a group is a book, then each person is the text in the book. The visual image of P56 uses the page as the carrier to bring the information to life on the paper. The logo of P56 takes the form of corner notes, interspersed among different lines of text, which is not easily noticed but obvious, like in the daily life, telling the stories of others or oneself.

P56 (英文:Page 56,中文:第五十六页)。如果一个群体是一本书,那每个人就是书中的文字。P56的视觉形象以页面作为载体,将信息跃然纸上,标识P56以角标注释的形态,穿插在不同的字里行间中,不易察觉却显而易见,似在生活的日常里,讲述着别人或自己的故事。

P56 Brand Design