Mercy Atewe's profile

SerenityCare Medical Centre logo design, brand identity

Logo Concept

The SerenityCare Medical Center logo embodies a 4-part love puzzle, symbolizing unity, trust, care, and community. Three puzzles interlock seamlessly, while the first puzzle extends its hand towards the last, creating a compassionate connection. The choice of colors, reinforces the brand's values.
Color Palette:

Soft Blue (#3498db): Represents trust and reliability.
Soothing Green (#2ecc71): Symbolizes growth and health
Calm Lavender (#9b59b6): Conveys serenity and compassion
Warm Gray (#bdc3c7): Provides a neutral background, emphasizing cleanliness and professionalism.
Key Values Represented:

Unity and Community Connection: The interlocking puzzles signify the unity of the community, with the extending hand symbolizing a commitment to fostering connections within the community.

Compassionate Care: The hand reaching out represents compassion and care, highlighting SerenityCare's dedication to providing empathetic and heartfelt medical services.

Serenity and Tranquility: The selected colors, particularly the calming blue reaching out to the serene lavender, evoke a sense of tranquility, emphasizing the hospital's commitment to a peaceful healing environment.

Professionalism and Trustworthiness: The clean lines and modern design, coupled with the professional color palette, convey a sense of trustworthiness and professionalism in healthcare services.

Inclusivity: The love-shaped puzzle and diverse colors signify inclusivity, welcoming everyone into the SerenityCare community regardless of background or circumstance.
"Caring Hearts, Healing Hands"
More than a tagline, it's the heartbeat of SerenityCare Medical Center—a commitment to unite and uplift our community through compassionate, personalized health services."
I sincerely appreciate your time spent reviewing my project and considering my work.
Please feel free to reach out. I'd love the opportunity to bring your ideas to life with my skills and expertise.
Looking forward to the possibility of working together!
Best regards,
Mercy Atewe 
SerenityCare Medical Centre logo design, brand identity


SerenityCare Medical Centre logo design, brand identity
