- A season of Love -
Chirping sparrows, blooming apricot flower
Eager smile on children's faces
Red envelops, magical calligraphy banners
It's when Tết once again comes ...
Tết: crawling curly string plants
Tết: newly-cooked Bánh Chưng
Tết: the grace of blithe faces
Tết: stress left to value joy
How precious it could be?
When family gathers and talks
When loves are spoken
When cares are acted
It was different; it was magical
To know that you're loved
To have that worries erased
To cheer!
It's Tết 
Usual and similar as always
It's also Tết
But oddly special and unforgettable!
Happy Lunar New Year!
Lunar New Year—or Tet holiday— is the biggest celebration in Vietnam. The name speaks for itself: Tet marks the arrival of spring based on the Lunar calendar, which occurs between January and February on the Gregorian calendar. The house and street decorations are undoubtedly the most distinguishing feature of Tet. To prepare for a new chapter, Vietnamese people believe decorations are a sign of affluence and abundance. In the last week of the Lunar year, they usually refurbish and adorn their houses with apricot and peach blossoms, red lanterns, and banners. Also, Vietnamese often prepare traditional dishes such as "thịt kho hột vịt" and "bánh chưng" for their families, give away lucky money and play card games together on this special occasion.

It’s my family tradition to gather around in a small cottage—where 3 generations of my family were nurtured. We normally gather once a year to recall the past year and make New Year's resolutions. It's such a memorable and unique occasion.

For me, Tet is when I feel most thankful and loved since the celebration is all about reunion and devotion. It's me being a photographer for this year's family reunion. Here are some lovely pics, enjoy! Happy Tết!

- Feb 1, 2022 -



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